Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dumbass Dalai Lama finally retiring

A close-minded, hypercritical and hypocritical brainwasher, Tenzin Gyatso, or the "Dalai Lama" as he's best known, is finally stepping down from power. Notice, I'm not targeting him because he's a communist. Lets review, exactly why, he was a disastrous leader. Top 4 reasons:
- He is ordering Religious Persecution: Doje Shugden has been worshiped by Buddhists for over three hundred years. The 14th Dalai Lama, angry that Shugden was getting more attention then him, began a campaign of systematic deporation in the 1970s. He has forced over 4 million people into exile. The peaceful worshipers, who do not wish for secretarinism, are forced out of Tibet because the Dalai Lama believes that these monks "must be expelled from all monasteries. If they are not happy, you can tell them that the Dalai Lama himself asked that this be done, and it is very urgent." Blacklisting and intimidation, assassinations and warfare is all he has brought to these people. Furthermore, Muslims, Catholics and even actual spirit worshippers are permitted to attend the "formal religious teachings" of the Dalai Lama, but Buddhist Dorje Shugden practitioners are excluded. See more.
- Sexist and Evil: The twelfth Samding Dorje Phagmo (the only prominent female tulku in Tibet) was quoted in Xinhua as saying that "The sins of the Dalai Lama and his followers seriously violate the basic teachings and precepts of Buddhism and seriously damage traditional Tibetan Buddhism's normal order and good reputation", adding that "Old Tibet was dark and cruel, the serfs lived worse than horses and cattle."
- Violent and CIA-Backed: In October 1998, The Dalai Lama's administration acknowledged that it received $1.7 million a year in the 1960s from the US government through the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and also trained a resistance movement in Colorado (USA).
- Anti-Sexuality: In his view, oral, manual and anal sex (both homosexual and heterosexual) is not acceptable in Buddhism or for Buddhists. This may be why he is so angry, because he does not let himself release his hormones. Sex is wondrous and necessary in providing us with both hormonal release and offspring. If sex did not exist, either would the Dalai Lama. What an idiot.
- Not Even A True Buddhist: He is not a vegetarian and he supports secular divides instead of unity in Buddhism by not letting certain buddhists into public prayers. So many buddhists disown him. Even in his own job, he is going against tradition- he is trying to resign!- a sin according to those who respect the Dalai Lama. Furthermore, he calls buddhism a religion all the time- this goes against buddhist teaching that buddhism is a way of life.


  1. You say he is sexist but you don't back up this claim. Also 1.7 million is not much money. Finally you rail on the Dalai Lama as being against sex citing that he would not exist without it despite vaginal sex being the only form of sex he is ok with. One could argue he is for more procreation.

    Gotta be careful with what you claim.

  2. Actually I don't, because I don't live in fear and I'm not running for office or writing for a newspaper. I can say whatever the fuck I want.

    But, for my own conscience, I do make sure to be accurate so I did back up the claim that he is sexist. I'm sorry you cannot read but I'll post it again for you:

    The twelfth Samding Dorje Phagmo (the only prominent female tulku in Tibet) was quoted in Xinhua as saying that "The sins of the Dalai Lama and his followers seriously violate the basic teachings and precepts of Buddhism and seriously damage traditional Tibetan Buddhism's normal order and good reputation", adding that "Old Tibet was dark and cruel, the serfs lived worse than horses and cattle."

    But if you insist- I'll back up the claim even further:

    The Dalai Lama values the life of the unborn over the live of the living. Who does this affect? Women. Because he has ensured abortion is illegal in Tibet, hundreds of women continue to die every year from illegal abortion. He would rather that women die than he openly support something that eliminates a microscopic embryo from a womb. Obviously, the so-called "baby" dies in an illegal abortion- so, in his typical irrational and mentally unstable mind- he figures that a woman and a fetus should DIE so that it is not legal for ONLY the fetus to die while the woman's life is saved from death or misery. If that's not sexist enough for you, I can't help ya there.


    You must have had lots of fortune in your life to believe that 1.7 Million dollars is not a lot of money.
