I was thinking the other day about how I have always identified myself as an agnostic. I always say- "I don't believe there is a God, I don't believe there is not a God. I'm okay with not knowing". But then I realized, knowing and believing are two different things. While many Christians say they know there is a God and many Atheists say they know their is not, nobody really knows for sure. They all have beliefs. They all have faith. As Americans, we are exposed primarily to these two groups- atheists and Christians. This is a bubble. Most people on earth are neither.
Anyway, I was thinking, I should have a belief. I should believe something. I have a brain and I can think logically for myself about what is possible and impossible. There are many things in the bible that cannot happen in the real world such as getting pregnant without having sex. Believing that this did happen takes quite a leap of faith.
Because I believe there is no Lord, I shall from now on consider myself and atheist.
If you are a christian and you are reading this and taking offense...oh well. You have your religion on my bills, in my laws and in my courts. Here is what I believe:
Christianity is nothing but a fairy tale for people scared of COLD HARD REALITY. God is just Santa Clause for adults. Don't nobody get pregnant without sex, there is no magical utopia in the sky and the good things in your life were worked for by people, not granted to you by a lord who can somehow hear millions of people whisper to him at once. That bible (which is followed by a minority of human beings, I might add) justifies slavery, rape, violent execution and teaches you homosexuality and random kinds of seafood consumption are sinful. It was written by 40 power-hungry all-male authors who thought the world was flat and didn't know there was a galaxy (much less a universe). If anybody needs converting, it's those who fail to realize they are ATHEISTS when it comes to all the other made up gods around the world and believers in one random guy in a book.
Jesus Christ, from what I understand as a history major, fucked prostitutes, got drunk off his ass on wine, perhaps smoked loads of weed and died a horrible death. (My kinda guy, woulda done well in Colorado). Some people got upset about how horrible his death was, and they made up stories about his afterlife. Most of their ideas were recycled from previous religions and none of their ideas were particularly creative or original. I have read the bible. Most of the advice in it is nothing more than cheesy morals. Most of the stuff in it is good and most of the people who helped write it seemed to be good people, and good writers who wrote many other books. Jesus was a cool guy. But, lets be serious, we have all read far better books than the bible and we all know people can't walk on water... The bible is pretty childish, not to mention deeply outdated and full of inaccuracies and impossibilities.
If you are a christian, more power to you. We all know Christianity is massive force for charity and good, but I don't need to believe God will reward me to do something good. I believe good deeds are inherently rewarding.
I just don't understand and don't think I ever will why your beliefs in the bible's 3 gods- Jesus, The Holy Father aka God and the Holy Spirit are any more valid than someone who believes the tooth ferry or easter bunny.
Please forgive me for any specific inaccuracies. It has been nearly 2 years since I read the Bible, or as I like to call it the "Book of Random Rules "
Thanks for reading this if you did. Sorry I'm not sorry for having an opinion. Keep on rockin in the free world.
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