Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Campaign-Mode Obama

Obama has not been a good president. He has been a week leader who has put forth bad policy- on education, on immigration, on transparency, on the environment, and most importantly- on the economy. But now, he's in campaign mode. He's starting to poke at his base and rally the liberals. In his speech last week in Kansas, he outlined an economic platform that stands in direct contrast to the economic platform he has put forward as president. He pushed for tighter financial regulation and tax hikes on the wealthy. He argued for greater Middle Class safety nets, more investments in job creation and greater support for Veterans.
So, as frustrating as it is that he has waiting this long to push for what is right when he could have pushed for it when the Democrats had a majority (instead of spending a year on a health care bill that is likely to be found unconstitutional and lacks a Public Option)- at least he is pushing for it. Better late than never.
And it's not just the economy that he is trying to get liberals to be with him on. He is arguing that the USA should support gay rights through international aid. He is putting an end to the War in Iraq for good.
And he is taking off the gloves against opponents. Instead of complementing Republicans and compromising with them, he is finally showing some fight. A couple awesome examples - Obama to GOP Rivals: Ask Osama if I'm an Appeaser & Obama to GOP Rivals: Bring it On.
I like campaign-mode Obama. I like him quite a bit, actually. But campaign-mode Obama is a different Obama than President Obama. If there were only two things that he went down in history for it would be these- a hell of a good campaigner, and a pretty terrible president.

Funny video:

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