Monday, January 9, 2012

Another venting post

Part 1 at 2pm
So, I am without any money or credit cards. I am also without a computer charger. I left lots in NYC, as I was very tired when leaving.  After class, I figured I would get my books for class at the library. They has neither. So I went to our AV department to rent a computer charger, which they had dozens of last year. They no longer do, apparently. Then I went to bemis to return a key, get a vacuum  cleaner and pick up a book my friend left for me. Even though they should be open, they were closed. Just my fucking luck. Having a tough day. But it's warm an sunny and I have lots of friends in my room so I'm okay. Just a bit frustrated at this point.
Part 2 at 2:30pm
Chase told me that "pending charges" made to my Chase card could not be taken down yet remain charges that take balance out of your account. I paid for one movie ticket last week and was charged for 3...And I can't get rid of the charges because they are still pending. FML. I tried calling Chase to complain but I dont have my debit card with me so I can't read them the number. 26 dollars might just go out the window.

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