Sunday, January 22, 2012

I believe in God maybe more than ever and I'm going to go back to calling myself an agnostic instead of an atheist

I was a total atheist just over a month ago. Now, I believe in a creator. I do not believe it is possible to know what that creator has said or done and every religion will make up different versions of this. I also don't know if the creator is the creator only of earth or if the creator has formed life and all sorts of stuff on other planets too. Just like I was when I was agnostic, I don't know how long this belief will last and I'm okay with not knowing all the answers that many people pretend to know. Right now I just believe more than I don't believe.

Perhaps the creator has abandoned earth or the creator is dead. Really, there is no way to know. But when I see amazing nature documentaries and insane landscapes, I def believe in a God having existed. Sunsets may suggest God still exists...unless it's all pre-designed. Who knows?!

Really, because all is unknown, I think I am going to go back to saying (while I DO believe in God) that nothing is knowable. Therefore, as I really have been my whole life, I am an agnostic. Like I have said in the past, you can be both agnostic and atheist or agnostic and christian...etc. Agnosticism is essentially just admitting you don't know if there is a god. - When I read that, It all applies to me.

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