Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The best way Obama can beat a Republican in 2012

The #1 Way Obama can win re-election is not to avoid talking about the economy. It all comes down to phrasing and changing his image in the eyes of Americans, the majority of whom are worried about the economy. 

80% of Americans think America is headed in the wrong direction. Obama's principal focus must be to do everything he can to turn this around. In the general election, the republican nominee is going to talk about jobs and the economy non-stop. They are going to point out that unemployment has risen under Obama and say his policies have failed us. We know that they will. What I hope is true is that Obama talks, even more than he is right now, about JOB GROWTH- perhaps the #1 thing he can boast related to the economy. While the Republicans point out that we have lost more jobs than we have gained, Obama must PUSH HARD the point that we have enjoyed 22+ consecutive months of job growth and from there make his argument that we must not return to the recession-causing  policies of the past. 

Combine that with rhetoric that puts him with the vast majority of Americans who believe in greater economic fairness and the rich paying their fair share, as well as more economic improvement, and Obama might just pull of a win. :) 

p.s If it's Gingrich, Obama can do nothing and win. He only has to be smart and hard-working vs. Romney since Gingrich will beat himself. 

DISCLAIMER- I imagine people want me to be more clear about how I feel related to all this. I strongly believe that Obama's policies are not the #1 reason the private sector has added jobs. I think the stimulus should have been less wasteful yet bigger and I think Obama's pro-Wall Street and anti-Union policies have actually hurt the economy and if we had a real liberal in office the economy would not be the #1 issue right now and unemployment would not have risen. Everything I state above, I do so as someone rooting for Obama to have a better second term and most importantly right now, beat Gingrich or Romney. 

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