Thursday, January 26, 2012

Disappointed in CNN

CNN is a network I trust and respect, often in disagreement with my friends. They have an incredible network of reporters around the world and while they overlook news pieces I think should not be overlooked, they do a better job than MSNBC, FOX, CBS and all the other news media stations in being fair and balanced on the issues. However, I was disappointed with them tonight. I wrote a question (below), which received far more likes than any other question posted to their debate thread (over 100- three times more than any other question) on Still, they did not ask it to the Republican Debates.

Question for the candidates: In 20 states, gays are not protected against hate crimes. It is legal in 29 states to fire somebody for being gay. It has not been made legal in 30 states for gay couples to adopt children. In 44 states, a gay person cannot legally marry the person they love. In 37 states, housing discrimination against gays is not illegal. Isn't it time for the president to lead us towards Equality?

I am also deeply disappointed that for the second straight debate, CNN tried desperately to get the candidates to attack each other against their will often making up an attack and then asking the baffled candidates if they agreed with the attack. Very immature. Sensationalistic politics needs to chill.  

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